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  • 제목 2016 기술워크샵 안내 상태 deadline
    일정 2016.05.20(금) 분류 seminar

    Recent wooden architecture is increasingly growing in importance and role as a popular eco-friendly projects that contribute to sustainable social development . This wooden geonchukin basic literacy are becoming increasingly diverse to be equipped . Our association width of practical information through technical workshops broaden the party members intended for 2016 will host a technical workshop with the following schedule . for I hope to see the schedule below , to the smooth progress 5 Mon. 13 Sun. ( Fri. ) Please apply prior to .


    - Below -

    - Pause : 5 Mon. 20 days ( Fri ) 13:00 to 17:00

    - Location : KINTEX the two tubes Seminar Room 2-306 call (MBC period of construction fairs )

    - Entrance fee : 1 million won

    2016-05-12 09; 57; 11.PNG

    이전글 [2015 목재산업박람회(우드페어)] 목건협 오픈 세미나
    다음글 우드유니버시티 교육 수강생 모집